Monday, 9 March 2015

Maleficent cosplay- Horns - Part 1

I've been stuck in ideas on what I want my next cosplay to be. I definatly wanted to make something even if it was only part of the costume.

Maleficent is one of my all time favourite films and Angelina Jolie is my favourite female actress. The darkness of this character is just me to a tea so I really wanted to give it a go!

I have started making the horns and as a I make each part, I will try and show you the step by step as I make them as I go. Mine arnt finished as of yet but thought I was do a tutorial of what I have done so far.


You will need:-
* newspaper
* foil
* worbla
* heat gun
* sellotape
* wire ( optional )
* dremel/ file/ sand paper

Take a long piece of wire or rolled up worbla ( Good way to use up scraps) and bend into the shape of a horn.

Take the news paper and scrunch it up to build the shape of the horns. Secure into place with sticky tape onto your foil or rolled up worbla.

Once your happy with shape, wrap foil around to cover horn. This will give you the horn shown in picture on the left.

Next, take strips of worbla and wrap around, building up to cover over foil and whole of horn. 

Once hardened, take your file and nested the horn up to remove any bumps.

This will give you the horn pictured on the right.

In the next part I will finish the filing and will have done a bit more!

Hope you enjoyed this step by step tutorial so far, comment below if you have any questions 


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